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The Secretariat has organized seminars and international conferences to promote the exchange of expertise and experience in the field of election management. It has also co-hosted such seminars and international conferences with other election-related international organizations and NGOs.

Link List
Date Subject Hosted by Materials Video·Photo
2021-10-20 ~ 2021-10-21 5th Asian Electoral Stakeholder Forum A-WEB Secreatariat, ANFREL Memorandum Day 1 Presentation Materials Day 2 Presentation Materials Information(ANFREL) Summary Video Video
2021-06-30 Elections & Technology : How to Incorporate New Systems into Our Electoral Processes A-WEB Secretariat, ICPS Presentation Materials Information Poster Summary Video Video Photo
2020-11-23 Election Management during COVID-19 : Valuable Lessons Learned and Future Outlook A-WEB Secretariat, FEO (Fijian Elections Office) and R.O.K NEC Information Poster Video Photo
2020-10-29 Dissemination of Electoral Information to Voters in Time of Crisis A-WEB Secretariat, UNISA (University of South Africa) and R.O.K NEC Presentation Materials Information Agenda Poster Photo
2020-09-16 Ways to Overcome the Challenges of COVID-19 in Election Management : From a Policy and Technological Perspective A-WEB Secretariat, ICPS Summary of main points Presentation Materials Agenda & Brief profile) Poster Photo
2020-07-29 Election Observation during COVID-19 A-WEB Secretariat, ANFREL Summary of main points Presentation Material Poster Video Photo
2020-06-12 Elections during the Pandemic A-WEB Secretariat, ADN Presentation Materials Q&A Report Video Photo
2020-06-03 Election Management during COVID-19 A-WEB Secretariat, I-IDEA and R.O.K NEC Press Release Video Photo
[Webniar] Election Management during COVID-19: Valuable Lessons Learned and Future Outlook(Session1)
Date : 2021-07-07