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News View
A-WEB Mission in Ecuador on 5 February 2023
Last updated 2023-02-06

On 5 February, local elections and referendum in Ecuador took place. The A-WEB Mission began its activities in the early morning by observing the opening of polls. The poll hours are from 07:00 to 17:00. According to the Democratic Code, voting in Ecuador is compulsory.




They visited polling stations in different districts of Quito, the capital of Ecuador, to look at the voting process. In the country, men and women cast their ballots in separate polling stations. Among a total of 40,714 polling stations for the 2023 elections, 20,635 are allocated for women voters.


When polls ended at 17:00, the observers could watch the vote-counting process. Depending on regions, voters received between seven (7) to nine (9) ballots. It has been expected that the counting process could take up to 10 hours. 


After observing the vote-counting process, the Mission is going to visit the Precinct of Transmission and Publication Minutes to look at how counting results are compiled.  

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