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Election Data

[Romania]Call for contributions to the Romanian Journal of Electoral Studies by Permanent Electoral Authority (PEA)
Last updated 2023-03-02

Call for contributions to the Romanian Journal of Electoral Studies


                         -contributed by Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania-




The Romanian Journal of Electoral Studies (RJES) is a publication of studies, research and analysis related to elections that the Permanent Electoral Authority (PEA) of Romania has published biannually.

This interdisciplinary and applied publication aims at a broad audience. The PEA of Romania has distributed the journal to the Romanian Parliament, the central and local governments, the most important public libraries, universities, media, other academic institutions and NGOs.


RJES invites scientific articles that have not been or are not published in other journals, reviews or scientific symposium volumes.


The authors may submit proposals for articles directly to the following address: expert.electoral@roaep.ro. Deadline for submitting the proposal for articles in English, French, Spanish or Romanian: September 1, 2022.


For more information on indications and text formatting requirements, those interested can access the following link: https://rjoes.ro/en/call-for-papers-en/.


Relevant data: election data of Romania



Relevant report: 2022 A-WEB Annual Report 
