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Election Data

[Albania] Comprehensive Educational Campaign to Empower National Minorities and Women in the Electoral Process
Last updated 2023-11-27


Comprehensive Educational Campaign to Empower National Minorities and Women in the Electoral Process

 In a landmark initiative to promote inclusive and equitable participation in the electoral process, the Central Election Commission of Albania (CEC Albania) has unveiled a comprehensive educational campaign targeting national minorities and women that has been running for the last 12 months. This multifaceted effort aligns with the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR observation mission of the recent elections in Albania, which emphasized the need to address barriers faced by marginalized groups in exercising their civic rights. 




 The CEC Albania has dedicated significant resources throughout 2023 to reaching out to the Roma and Egyptian national minorities, who have traditionally faced obstacles to political participation. A series of targeted meetings and workshops have been organized in communities with substantial Roma and Egyptian populations, providing platforms for education, dialogue, and empowerment. These events have placed particular emphasis on encouraging women from these communities to actively engage in the electoral process

 The campaign's core messages underscore the fundamental principles of democratic participation:


ž   The importance of voting and the inherent right to have one's voice heard


ž   The imperative to increase voter participation among national minorities


ž   The unwavering stance against vote buying and other forms of electoral manipulation


ž   The significance of women's participation in the electoral process and their crucial role in decision-making


ž   The unwavering commitment to upholding gender equality and non-discrimination in the electoral sphere 




​To ensure inclusivity and accessibility, the CEC Albania has taken the unprecedented step of translating all campaign materials, including radio spots, posters, and online content, into the languages of the eight national minorities living in Albania. This dedication to multilingualism reflects the CEC Albania's firm belief that information should be freely available to all citizens in their native languages, removing any linguistic barriers to political engagement.​



Complementing the community outreach efforts, the CEC Albania has also undertaken a robust social media campaign to raise awareness about the electoral process. This online initiative has effectively reached a record-wide audience, particularly among younger generations, fostering a deeper understanding of civic duties and encouraging active participation in the electoral process.




 Overall, the CEC Albania's comprehensive educational campaign stands as a testament to its unwavering commitment to fostering greater participation of national minorities and women in Albania's electoral democracy. By promoting awareness, encouraging dialogue, and providing accessible information in multiple languages, the CEC Albania empowers all citizens to exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard, ensuring that the electoral process truly represents Albania's diverse and vibrant society.