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Election Data

Home Election Data Election Management of Members Election Management of Members


Basic election-related information
System of government
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


System of government-References:


Total population
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


Total population-References:


Total area (in square kilo meters)
Last Updated : 2016-10-06
 238,391 km2


Total area (in square kilo meters)-References:


Number of registered voters
Last Updated : 2016-10-06


Number of registered voters-References:


Number of registered political parties
Last Updated : 2016-05-03
Number of polling stations
Last Updated : 2016-05-03
Average number of voters per polling station
Last Updated : 2016-05-03
Voting age
Last Updated : 2016-08-26


Voting age-References:


Elective offices
Elected Offices
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

President, National Parliament, Mayors, Local Councils, County Councils, European Parliament.

Elected Offices-References:


Election system
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


President, mayors - uninominal, National Parliament / European Parliament - proportional - d'Hont method, local/county counselors - proportional, bigger rest method.


Election system-References:


Terms of office
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

President - 5 years, National Parliament - 4 years, mayors, local/county counselors - 4 years, European Parliament - 5 years




Terms of office-References:


Information on the most recent election
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

 Local elections




Last Updated : 2016-10-13




Political parties in the elections
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


Political parties in the elections-References:


Number of elected candidates
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
40.220 local conselors + 1436 county conselors + 3186 mayors


Number of elected candidates-References:


Voter turnout
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


Voter turnout-References:


Number of ballots cast
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
8.525.136 (for each type of elections)


Number of ballots cast-References:


Legal Framework
Legal framework for elections
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Law No. 208/2015 for elections of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, as well as for organizing and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority, with subsequent amendments / parliamentary elections.

Law No. 370/2004 for the election of the President of Romania, republished, with subsequent amendments / presidential elections.

Law No. 115/2015 for the elections of local public administration authorities, amending the Law of local public administration No. 215/2001, as well as amending and supplementing Law No. 393/2004 on the statute of local elected officials / local elections.

Law No. 33/2007 for organizing and conducting elections for European Parliament, republished, with subsequent amendments / European Parliament elections. 

Legal framework for elections-References:


Legal provisions
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Law No. 3/2000 for organizing and conducting a referenda, with subsequent amendments

Legal provisions-References:


Last Updated : 2016-12-01




People’s Initiatives
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Romanian Constitution

People’s Initiatives-References:


Recall Votes
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Local authorities, Law No. 201/2000 for local public administrations, by referenda, President of Romania ? by recall voting ? national referenda (Romanian Constitution).

Recall Votes-References:


Electoral Management Body
Official name
Last Updated : 2016-10-06
Permanent Electoral Authority


Official name -References:


Mission, Vision, Key Objectives, Functions
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Permanent Electoral Authority is an autonomus administrative institutions with legal personality  and general competence in electoral domain, that has the mission  to ensure the organizing and unfolding of elections and referenda, as well as for financing political parties and electoral campaign, respecting the Constitution, the law and international and european standards in this domain. The Permanent Electoral Autority operates with respect for the principle of independence, impartiality, legality, transparency, efficiency, professionalism, accountability, sustainability, predictability and legitimacy. The Permanent Electoral Authority shall carry out the following main powers:

a) it draws up proposals concerning the provision of the necessary logistics for the unfolding of the elections, that it sends to the Government and to local public administration authorities for implementation, and it monitors the effective implementation of these proposals;

b) it monitors the delimitation of polling stations, the establishment of the premises of polling stations and electoral bureaus;

c) it monitors the timely provision of the equipment necessary to the polling stations: standard ballot boxes and booths, stamps, stamp pads, recipients for the transportation of the ballot papers and others; it controls their storage from one electoral period to another;

d) it monitors the methods for ensuring the funds necessary for the timely staggered provision of the logistics necessary for the unfolding of the electoral process;

     e) it monitors the security of polling stations, ballot papers and of the other documents and materials specifi c to the electoral period;

f) it monitors the drawing up and printing of the permanent electoral lists; it monitors and supervises the s of the Electoral Register;

g) it administers the Electoral Register and the Register of polling stations in the country;

h) it supervises and monitors the fulfi lment of the tasks incumbent upon the public authorities and other bodies while preparing and organising the electoral processes;

i) it ensures, within the limits of its competences, the unitary implementation of the legal provisions concerning the organisation of elections and referendums;

j) it draws up studies and proposals for the improvement of the electoral system, that it publishes and presents to the public authorities, political parties, as well as to the non-governmental organisations concerned;

k) it presents to the Parliament, within three months, at the most, from the closing of the elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, for the President of Romania, for the European Parliament and for the local public administration authorities, or from a national referendum, a report on the organisation and unfolding of the elections, respectively of the referendum, including mentions related to the electoral turnout, their unfolding, the irregularities and fl aws, including of legislative nature, found and the result of consulting; the report is published under the form of a white paper;

l) it implements programmes aimed at informing and educating the voters concerning the Romanian electoral system and concerning the observance of electoral ethics and it ensures their dissemination;

m) it organises specifi c professional training and education programmes in the electoral fi eld for the staff of authorities and institutions with powers in the organisation and unfolding of the elections, as well as for the persons likely to become members of the electoral bureaus and computer operators at

the level of polling stations;

n) it draws up programmes and it establishes unitary procedures concerning the exercise of the right to vote by disabled persons and it ensures their dissemination;

o) it draws up its draft budget, approved by the law on the State budget;

p) it draws up the list of the specialised staff certifi ed by the National Institute of Statistics, taking part in the centralisation and processing of data and in the ascertaining of the results of the voting;

q) it coordinates the national electoral information system;

r) it acquires, under the law, the computer applications and/or services used by the Central Electoral Bureau for the centralisation of the results of the voting;

s) it draws up and submits to the Government for approval, together with the Ministry of Interior, the date of the elections and the calendar of the actions scheduled to take place during the electoral period;

?) it draws up and submits to the Government, for approval, together with the Ministry of Interior, the draft decisions for the proper organisation and unfolding of the elections;

t) it draws up draft normative acts for the improvement and refi nement of the Romanian electoral system, that it submits to the Government for analysis and for exercising the right of legislative initiative;

?) it presents to the Government, for approval, together with the Ministry of Public Finances and the Ministry of Interior, the draft Government decision for the approval of the expenditure necessary for the organization and unfolding of the elections;

u) it certifi es for proof of non-alteration, ten days before the date of the elections, the computer applications used by the Central Electoral Bureau for the centralisation of the results of the voting and it makes them available for the political parties and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities enlisted in the electoral competition, upon their written request;

v) it addresses proposals to the Government for the establishment of the date for the organisation and unfolding of the partial elections for the local public administration authorities and it supports their organisation;

w) it sees to the observance of the law on the organisation and unfolding of local referendums;

x) it ensures the implementation of the legislation concerning the funding

of the activity of political parties and of the electoral campaigns;

y) it organises national and international conferences, seminars and congresses in its fi eld of activity;

z) It ensures the transparency of the expenditure incurred for the organisation and unfolding of the elections and referendums.

Mission, Vision, Key Objectives, Functions-References:


Type of EMB(independent, governmental, mixed)
Last Updated : 2016-08-26


Type of EMB(independent, governmental, mixed)-References:


EMB budget source
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

State budget

EMB budget source-References:


EMB expenditure audit
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
Romanian Court of Auditors


EMB expenditure audit-References:


Number of EMB members (commissioners)
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

 Maximum positions: 424

Number of EMB members (commissioners)-References:


Term of EMB members (commissioners)
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

 The mandate of the President and the Vice-presidents of Permanent Electoral Authority has 8 years and can be renewed only once?.


Term of EMB members (commissioners)-References:


Who appoints members (commissioners)?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

 Through PEA President order, after an exam or transfer.

Who appoints members (commissioners)?-References:


Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The PEA President is appointed through a decision adopted after a joint sessions of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, at the proposal of the parliamentary groups. Is appointed President the candidate with the majority of votes from the senators and deputies. The President is assisted by two Vice-presidents with the rank of secretary of state, one appointed by the Romanian President and the other by the Prime-minister.

Selection of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson-References:


Boundary Delimitation
Administrative divisions
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Level 1 - 41 counties, Bucharest, 

Level 2 -  3181 administrative division and 6 sub-divisions (6 Bucharest municipality sectors)

Administrative divisions -References:


Delimitation of constituencies(electoral district)
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Art. 20 par. (1) Law No. 208/2015 - The Permanent Electoral Authority administers the Register of polling stations in the country, which represents a centralized database concerning the delimitation, number, premises and equipment of polling stations. The Registry of polling stations is public. Mayors will the demarcation of the polling stations with the approval of PEA.

Delimitation of constituencies(electoral district) -References:


Criteria for drawing boundaries
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Art. 21 par. (5) from Law. No. 208/2015 " The polling stations in the country must observe the following criteria:

a)  The polling stations cannot exceed the boundaries of the administrativeterritorial units;

    b) The same address of a voter cannot be assigned to several polling stations;

    c) The number of voters assigned to a polling station cannot exceed 2,000;

    d) The number of voters assigned to a polling station cannot be less than 50;

    e) The distance between the premises of the polling station and the voter’s domicile/residence should not exceed, as a general rule, 3 km;

    f) The area of the polling station must be, as a general rule, compact."

Criteria for drawing boundaries-References:


Body responsible for drawing boundaries
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The PEA electoral management.

Body responsible for drawing boundaries-References:


Right to Vote and Electoral Eligibility
Requirements on the right to vote
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The right to elect is enjoyed by all Romanian citizens turned 18 years old, including those turning 18 years old on the day of the elections.

Requirements on the right to vote-References:


Reasons for having the right to vote revoked
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The following cannot elect:

a) mentally retarded or ill persons, laid under interdiction;

b) the persons prohibited from exercising their right to elect, during the period set by final court ruling. 

Reasons for having the right to vote revoked-References:


Electoral Eligibility
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Romanian citizens with the right to vote can be elected, no matter the rase, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, spoken language, religion, political opinion, wealth or social status, according to Romanian Constitution and legislation.

The candidates must be at least 23 years old, before election day, so theat they can be elected for the Chamber of Deputies  or local authorities, at least 33 years old for Senate and 35 for Romanian President.

Electoral Eligibility-References:


Reasons for having the eligibility revoked
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

They can’t be elected: mentally retarded or ill persons, laid under interdiction; the persons prohibited from exercising their right to elect, during the period set by final court ruling. Persons who are forbidden from exercising the right to be elected to public authorities or any other public position during the period set by final court ruling or the law. Judges of the Constitutional Court, the advocates of the people, magistrates, active members of the Armed Forces, policemen and other categories of civil servants, established by an organic law, shall not join political parties.

Reasons for having the eligibility revoked-References:


Political parties and Candidates
Requirements for party registration
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

  For registering a political party it must be submitted to the Bucharest Court the following documents:

      a) the application signed by the executive body of the political party and at least two founding members;

     b) the status of the party;

     c) the party program;

     d) the memorandum, signed by at least 3 founding members;

     e) a statement regarding the party headquarters and heritage;

     f) proof of opening a bank account.

Requirements for party registration-References:


Candidate nomination
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Is performed according to the statute of political parties.

- Self nomination (independents).

Candidate nomination-References:


Candidate Registration (National Assembly members)
Last Updated : 2016-12-01

- Requirement


Candidate Registration (National Assembly members) -References:


Candidate registration deposit
Last Updated : 2016-05-03

- Amount of fee

- Return of fee

Uncontested Election
Last Updated : 2016-12-21


Uncontested Election -References:


Voter registration and voter’s list
Preparation of the voters list
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Electoral Register is a national computer system for the recording and of the identification data of the Romanian citizens with the right to vote and of the information concerning their assignment to polling stations. One of the Electoral Register functions is drawing up the permanent electoral lists.

Preparation of the voters list-References:


Whether the registration is compulsory (or not)
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

At the elections for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, voters residing in the country and living abroad and those living abroad can enroll in the Electoral Register for the respective election with the address from abroad. Registration in the Electoral Register to vote by correspondence option is mandatory if voters residing abroad wish to exercise their right to vote by correspondence in the general elections for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies.

Whether the registration is compulsory (or not)-References:


Who is responsible for the voters list
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The permanent electoral lists in the country are drawn up and printed by the mayors, by polling stations, based on the data and information in the Electoral Register.

The permanent electoral lists from abroad are drawn up and printed by the Permanent Electoral Authority.

The electoral lists for the vote by correspondence are drawn up and printed by the Permanent Electoral Authority, based on data and information from the Electoral Register.

Complementary electoral lists used in local elections (include all the citizens of the European Union with the right to vote that are listed in the records of the General Inspectorate for Immigration and are domiciled or residing in the locality for which the list is drawn up) are drawn up and d by the mayor, together with the territorial bodies of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. 

Who is responsible for the voters list -References:


Voters list preparation procedure
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The permanent electoral lists containing voters residing in Romania are printed by mayors in duplicate, no later than 3 days prior to the election date, and include: voter's full name, personal identification code, residence and after event type and number of identity document, number of the constituency, polling station number and a box for the voter's signature. The permanent electoral lists containing voters residing in Romania shall be signed by the mayor and the secretary of the administrative territorial unit. One copy is kept by the secretary of the administrative territorial unit and a copy surrenders of the polling stations.

 The permanent electoral lists from abroad include: voter's full name, identification number, domicile or residence abroad, if applicable, type and number of identity document, number of the constituency, polling station number and a box for the voter's signature. Foreign permanent electoral lists signed by the President of the Permanent Electoral Authority commissioners.

Complementary voter lists are prepared in duplicate and signed by the mayor, the secretary of the territorial administrative unit and the head of the Territorial Inspectorate General for Immigration. Complementary electoral rolls are kept in special registers blocks.

Supplementary voter lists signed by the chairperson of the electoral precinct where they were made. 

Voters list preparation procedure -References:


Inspection and objection procedure
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

By the Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania.

Inspection and objection procedure -References:


Election Campaigning
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The time period in which candidates and all other involved in elections, as well as citizens, have the right to express their view freely and without discrimination, through rallies, meetings, using television, radio, press and other mass-media.



Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The electoral campaign shall start 30 days before the election date and it shall end on the Saturday preceding the election date, at 07:00 hours.

Period -References:


Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The access of parliamentary political parties, political alliances, and their electoral alliances, as well as of independent candidates to public radio and television services, including to their territorial stations, shall be free of charge.

Political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances, independent candidates, as well as organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities must apply for broadcasting time no later than 40 days before the election date, with the management of the public and private radio and television stations, or, as the case may be, of their territorial stations.

The electoral shows and debates must ensure equal conditions to all candidates as regards the freedom of expression, pluralism of opinions and equidistance.

The following are forbidden 48 hours before the voting day:

a) The presentation of opinion polls or broadcasting of electoral publicity spots;

b) The invitation or presentation of candidates during programmes;

c) Comments concerning the electoral campaign.

Constituency electoral bureaus shall ensure the proper unfolding of the electoral campaign within the constituency in which they operate.



Prohibited forms of campaigning
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The means used during the electoral campaign cannot be contrary to the law.

It is forbidden to organize electoral campaign meetings in military units, as well as in school and university premises while classes are being held.

During the electoral campaign, discriminatory messages or slogans or messages inciting to hatred and intolerance are forbidden. We understand by speech inciting to hatred and discrimination both the speeches and the written or oral messages of electoral propaganda inciting to, promoting or justifying racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, other forms

of hatred based on intolerance or any other form of discrimination.

During the electoral campaign, all forms, means, acts or actions of defamation or religious or ethnic feud, as well as public offense to religious symbols are forbidden.

Prohibited forms of campaigning-References:


Campaign Finance
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
Expenditure limits ? The maximum limits of expenditures which can be carried out in electoral campaign or for referenda in a national electoral constituency or in a county constituency must be between maximum limits of contributions for electoral campaign or for referenda. Maximum limits of contributions for electoral campaign that can be deposited by candidates or financial agent are as follows:

a)      60 minimum gross salary for each candidate for deputy or senator;

b)      One minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for a village local council;

c)      3 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for a city local council;

d)     5 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for municipality local council;

e)      30 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for local council of the county capital;

f)       50 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for Bucharest sector council;

g)      500 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for Bucharest General council;

h)      100 minimum gross salary for each list of candidates for county council;

i)        5 minimum gross salary for each candidate for village mayor;

j)        7 minimum gross salary for each candidate for city mayor;

k)      10 minimum gross salary for each candidate for municipality mayor;

l)        50 minimum gross salary for each candidate for county capital mayor;

m)    100 minimum gross salary for each candidate for Bucharest sector mayor;

n)      150 minimum gross salary for each candidate for Bucharest mayor;

o)      750 minimum gross salary for each candidate European Parliament;

p)      20.000 minimum gross salary for each candidate for Romanian President.

Income and expences ? The contributions for electoral campaign that can be submited by candidates or financial agent can come only from donations received by candidates from individuals, from own income, loans from individuals or contracts with credit institutions. These contributions have to be declared to PEA by the financial agent and can be used only after their declaration. The contribution for elecral campaign can be deposited in the accounts stipulated at par. (1) only until the end of the electoral campaign. At central level, in addition to the contribution for electoral campaign, a political party may deposit ammounts representing contributions for electoral campaign in an account opened at central level through the financial coordinator agent.  The contribution that can be deposited by a political party can only come from transfer of founds from outside the electoral campaign. By derogation from par. (1), for Chamber of Deputies and Senate electoral campaign, ammounts of money can be deposited by the candidates for Chamber of Deputies and Senate in the Romanians residing abroad constituency.

Income and expences report, publishing the Income and Expences Report ? within 15 days from Election Day, the financial coordinator agents must deposit to PEA the detailed Income and Expences Report for political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, organizations of Romanians belonging to national minorities, independent candidates as well as the quantum of registered debts, due to campaign, accompanied by the statements provided by law. The Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania will provide free disclosure of the list of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, organizations of Romanians belonging to national minorities and independent candidates that submitted the Income and Expences Report, as they are submitted, by successive publication in the Official Gazette, Part I. The reports and the quantum of registered debts due to campaign will be published by the Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania in the Official Gazette, Part I within 60 days from the publication of the election results. If, at the time of the deposit of the detailed electoral Income and Expences Report, independent candidates or political parties have debts, they are required to report quarterly to PEA the payment of the registered debts from electoral campaign, until they are full payment thereof.

Verifying the campaign Income and Expences and measures taken ? To verify the legality of political parties income and expences, the Permanent Electoral Authority can request documents and informations from individuals and legal entities, which provided services, free of charge or surcharge to political parties, as well as from any other public institution. Annual, or anytime is notified, the Permanent Electoral Authority will verify for each political party thetheir compliance with the law regarding income and expences for political parties. PEA may verify the compliance with the law regarding financing the political parties and electoral campaign even when there are suspicions of a violation of the law on financing political parties and electoral campaign, on notification of any interested person or ex officio.

Reinbursment of campaign expences ? In maximum 90 days after election day, the Permanent Electoral Aythority of Romania will reimburse to political parties, political alliances and organizations of Romanians belonging to national minorities, based on justifying documents given by the financial agent in maximum 30 after election day, the ammounts of expenditures incurred in all electoral constituencies, as well as those from central level, if a political party, a political alliance, a electoral alliance or  organizations of Romanians belonging to national minorities obtained minimum 3% from all valid votes cast at national level. If a political party, political alliance, electoral alliance or organization of Romanians belonging to national minorities who participated in election didn’t obtained 3% from all valid votes cast at national level, the Permanent Electoral Authority will reimburse, based on justifying documents given by the financial agent only the ammounts spent at constituency level in which it obtained minimum 3% from all valid votes cast at national level.

The electoral campaign expenditures cand only be carried out only through a bank account. The contributions for electoral campaign can only have the following destinations:

a)      expenditures for production and distribution of propaganda materials for radio and television broadcasting, as well as mass-media, ina quantum of 40% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

b)      expenditures for the production and distribution of propaganda materials for online campaign, in a quantum of 30% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

c)      expenditures for sociological research, in a quantum of 30% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

d)     expenditures for electoral posters in a quantum of 20% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

e)      expenditures for brochures, flyers and other printed electoral propaganda materials, in a quantum of 50% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

f)       expenditures for space and equipment renting, expenditures for protocol and political, economic, cultural or social events, transport and accommodation, legal assistance as well as for payment of financial agets, in a quantum of 30% from the total amount of expenditures that can be carried out during electoral campaign;

g)      expenditures for banking commission.

Campaign Finance-References:


Polling stations
Presiding officers
Last Updated : 2016-10-13


Local (Village and city = 7; Municipalities and Bucharest sectors. = 9), Parliamentary, Presidential, European Parliament elections = 9

How are appointed?

 The president and the deputy are appointed by PEA from Electoral Experts Body (app. 56000 persons). The rest of the members are representatives of political parties.

Presiding officers-References:


Facilities or items a polling station is equipped with
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Mayors, with the help of the county Governor. The system for monitoring the turnout and prevent illegal voting SMT (tablets, phones, communication and internet) with the Service for Special Telecommunication (SST).  Reuse as many times as possible.

Facilities or items a polling station is equipped with-References:


Polling station location criteria
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The polling station Register. Mayors with the approval of PEA. Endowment and equipment according to PEA Decision No. 4/2008.  

Polling station location criteria-References:


Voting hours
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

- Voting starts at 7.00 and is held until 21.00

- In case of a referendum, voting starts at 7.00 and is held until 23.00.

Voting hours-References:


Last Updated : 2016-10-13


- Parliamentary elections: two ballots: one to elect Senate and one for the Chamber of Deputies;

- Presidential elections: one ballot;

- In European elections: one ballot;

- At local elections: three ballots: one to elect the mayor, one for local and one for the election of county council election. In Bucharest, they are ballots to elect the general mayor, respectively the Bucharest General Council.

Voting -References:


Ballot Paper
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The order of printing the lists of candidates and independent candidates on the ballot is determined by the electoral constituency by drawing successive lots: first the parliamentary political parties, political alliances or electoral comprising at least one parliamentary political party organizations and citizens belonging to national minorities with their own caucus in both houses of Parliament, and for non-parliamentary political parties and political and electoral alliances between them, and for organizations of national minorities. Independent candidates will be included on the ballot in the final part of it, in order of registration applications.

- On the ballot will be printed rectangles parallel between them in sufficient numbers to cover all candidate lists and independent candidates, but the last page, which is stamped control.

- Quadrilaterals are numbered from left to right. The pages are numbered.

- The angle at the top left of the quadrilateral will print the name of the whole political party, political alliance, electoral alliance, organization of citizens belonging to national minorities or, where applicable, the term "independent candidate", and the angle at the top right prints as appropriate, election sign.

- The quadrilaterals of each ballot is printed lists of candidates. Candidates are identified on the list by name, surname and in alliances by political affiliation and place it in the order established by the political party, political alliance, electoral alliance or organization of national minorities who submitted the list.

The format of the ballot

- Is determined by Government decision or decision of AEP, as appropriate.

Valid and invalid ballots

- Void ballots are not bearing the control stamp of the electoral bureau of the polling station, ballot papers with different model than the legally approved or stamp is applied to several times outside their rectangles.

- White ballots are votes that do not have the stamp "voted". These bulletins shall not enter into the calculation of votes.

Ballot Paper-References:


Voting Procedures
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Voters’ access in the voting room shall take place in series corresponding to the number of booths. Each voter shall present his/her ID document to the computer operator of the electoral bureau of the polling station, who shall the voter’s personal identification number in the Computer system for monitoring turnout and preventing illegal voting. After voting, voters shall fold the ballot papers so that the white page bearing the control stamp stays out, and then they shall them into the ballot box, making sure that they do not open. The wrong folding of the ballot paper shall not entail the ballot nullity, if the secrecy of the vote is preserved.

The “VOTED” stamp, handed over to the voter for voting, shall be returned to the president, who shall apply it to the ID document, also mentioning the election date. In the case of voters voting based on their ID cards, a self-adhesive stamp marked “VOTED” and the election date shall be applied on the back of the card. 

Voting Procedures -References:


Marking method
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Voters shall vote separately, in closed booths, by applying the “VOTED” stamp in the quadrilateral that comprises the list of candidates or the name of the candidate (s)he wishes to vote for.

Marking method-References:


Special voting (Absentee / Early / Proxy / Assisted / Postal / etc)
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
For the voters who cannot be transported to the premises of the polling station due to an illness or disability, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station may approve, upon their written request, accompanied by copies of documents attesting the respective medical condition or disability, that a team composed of at least two members of the electoral bureau should go with a special ballot box and the materials needed for voting ? the “VOTED” stamp and ballot papers ? to the place where the voter is located, so that (s)he could vote.

Special voting (Absentee / Early / Proxy / Assisted / Postal / etc)-References:


Vote counting
Counting Location
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
At the polling station.


Counting Location-References:


Counting period
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

After voting is closed.

Counting period-References:


Vote counting method
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

After opening the ballot box, the president will read aloud at the opening of each ballot, the voted electoral competitor's name and will show the ballot to those present.

Vote counting method-References:


Counting Procedures
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

 - On a standard form, one of the electoral bureau members assisted by at least one of its members, record the resulting option by reading each ballot.

- Each ballot is read and recorded on the form set by the president, assisted by other members of the electoral commission in a separate package for each electoral competitor.

Counting Procedures-References:


When are ballots recounted?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Central Electoral Bureau may order a recount in a precinct or restoration centralize the votes and the outcome of elections in a constituency where found, based on evidence, that errors have been made or there were discrepancies between the recorded minutes.

When are ballots recounted?-References:


Overseas Voting (Only if permitted)
Who is eligible to vote for overseas voting?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Romanian citizens with domicile or residence abroad (for national Parliament elections), Romanian citizens that on voting day are abroad (for Romanian President Elections, national referenda and European Parliament elections). For local elections there is no voting abroad.

Who is eligible to vote for overseas voting?-References:


Overseas voters list preparation
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania, based on voluntary registration of citizens in electoral Register.?

Overseas voters list preparation -References:


Where to vote
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Polling stations organized in embassies, consulates, Cultural Institutes, additional polling stations organized at the request of minimum 100 citizens from one city or groups of cities, postal voting (for national Parliament elections). 


Where to vote-References:


Voting procedure for early voting
Last Updated : 2016-05-03
Methods used to transport ballot papers
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Diplomatic courier, Post.

Methods used to transport ballot papers-References:


Counting procedure
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Manually, at the polling station.

Counting procedure-References:


Elected Candidates
How is the elected candidate chosen in the case of a tie?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The elections replay with the participation of those equality of votes.

How is the elected candidate chosen in the case of a tie?-References:


Apportioning of National Assembly seats
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Sharing and allocation of deputy and senator seats are done in two stages: in each constituency and at national level:

a) at the electoral constituency level, the electoral bureau sets separately for Senate and Deputies Chamber, the electoral quotient of the constituency, by dividing the total number of valid votes cast for all the lists of candidates of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and of citizens’ organizations belonging to the national minorities, which meet the condition laid down by law and for the independent candidates to the number of deputies or senators to be elected in that constituency; electoral quotient is the integer, without decimals, unrounded result of this division; 

    b) For each list is allocated as many mandates as many times the electoral quotient of the constituency is included in votes cast for that list;

    c) Mandates distribution is done by the electoral constituency in the order of candidates on the list;

    d) Each independent candidate receive one mandate, if he has obtained a number of valid votes cast at least equal to the electoral quotient for deputies or senators, as applicable; the independent candidates participate to the mandates distribution only at the first stage, that from the constituency level; one independent candidate can have a only one mandate;

    e) The votes remained unused or lower to the electoral quotient, allocated to the lists of candidates of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organizations of national minorities which meet the condition set by law and also the mandates that could not be attributed by the election bureau of the constituency, shall communicate this to Central Electoral Bureau, to be centrally distributed. 

Apportioning of National Assembly seats-References:


Results Announcement
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Provisional during the election night, after the final movement of the documents to the Central Electoral Bureau headquarters - 3 or 4 days after elections.

Results Announcement-References:


Is the announcement of preliminary result required?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Yes. After a schedule set by the Central Electoral Bureau starting at midnight of the Election Day.

Is the announcement of preliminary result required? -References:


Deadline for announcement of final results
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Central Electoral Bureau send for publishing the final election results to the Official Gazette, after the conclusion of the mandates.

Deadline for announcement of final results-References:


Special elections (By-Election and Re-election)
Reason for holding a by- or re-election
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

- Partial elections are held in partial local elections, namely in the situation of vacant posts of mayor or dissolution of the county council / local

- Early elections are held before the expiry of the usual parliamentary trustee. Essential precondition for early elections is the dissolution of Parliament.

Reason for holding a by- or re-election-References:


By-election dates
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

- The day of local by-elections is set by Government decision, at least 35 days before elections.

By-election dates-References:


Electoral process
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The terms provided by the law, except those of 24 hours, will be reduced by half. If after this reducing there are fractions of days equal or of more than 12 hours, the rounding is done in addition; fractions less than 12 hours are not taken into account. The elections are held during one day, Sunday only.

Electoral process-References:


Criteria for allocating free broadcast time
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
Air time shall be granted after a final nominations, must be proportional with the complete candidates lists submitted and they are calculated by the National TV Broadcast during 24 hours after the transmission of data by the Central Electoral Bureau. 

Criteria for allocating free broadcast time-References:


Television debates
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
The access of political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances, as well as of independent candidates to public radio and television, including those of their territorial studios, is free. The access of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and independent candidates and organizations of national minorities to private radio and television, including cable television, is following the same price conditions for all electoral competitors, only during electoral programs. 

Television debates-References:


Blackout period for release of election survey results
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
48 hours before Election Day is prohibited presentation of surveys or inquiries made in the streets.
Presentation of exit polls is prohibited on Election Day before 21.00 GMT.


Blackout period for release of election survey results-References:


Electoral Judicial Process
Electoral dispute resolution body
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Appeals against the formation and composition of electoral bureaus shall be submitted to and decided by the electoral body established at the level immediately above the one at which the complaint referred or by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, if the appeal refers to the Central Electoral Bureau.

Electoral dispute resolution body-References:


Electoral dispute resolution mechanism
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Appeals against the formation and composition of electoral bureaus shall be submitted to and decided by the electoral body established at the level immediately above the one at which the complaint referred or by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, if the appeal refers to the Central Electoral Bureau, during 2 days maximum from the registration.

Electoral dispute resolution mechanism-References:


Alternative electoral dispute resolution mechanism
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

There are the courts of common law, for those complaints which are not expressly contained in the electoral laws.

Alternative electoral dispute resolution mechanism-References:


Political Finance
Direct public funding
Last Updated : 2016-10-13
Eligibility criteria - Subsidy from the State budget shall be granted according to the following criteria:

a) Number of votes acquired after the general elections for Deputies Chamber and Senate;

b) Number of votes received after the general elections for local public administration. 75% of the annual budget given to political parties is divided by political parties in proportion to the number of votes received in the parliamentary elections, i.e. the average of valid votes for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, if they have achieved the threshold.

25% of the annual budget given to political parties are divided by political parties in proportion to the number of valid votes cast, received in local elections for district councilors and counselors within Bucharest, if they have obtained at least 50 seats of county counselor and adviser within the municipality of Bucharest.

The method of allocation of funds - Political parties receives an annual subsidy from the State budget, in accordance with the law. The amount allocated annually to political parties cannot be greater than 0.04% of income provided for in the State budget. For political parties which promote women on electoral lists, for eligible places, the amount allocated from the State budget will be increased in proportion to the number of mandates obtained in the election by women candidates. Subsidy from the State budget shall be paid monthly, through the budget of the Permanent Electoral Authority, into a special account opened by each political party. Incomes from subsidies from the State budget are reflected in the accounts of political parties.

At the level of the Permanent Electoral Authority there is a specialized office in allocation of funds from the State budget.

Destination of public funds - the incomes from state budget’s subsidies can be used for:

    a) Material expenses for maintenance and operation of premises;

    b) Personnel expenditure;

    c) Expenses for media and advertising;

    d) Expenses for organizing political activities;

    e) Expenses for travel in the country and abroad;

    f) Expenses for telecommunications;

    g) Expenses with foreign delegations;

    h) Expenses with contributions to the international political organizations where the political party is affiliated;

    i) Investments in mobile and immobile goods, used for the activities of those political parties;

    j) Protocol expenses;

    k) Office supplies expenses;

    l) Bank fees expenses;

    m) Expenses for rents of premises and facilities;

    n) Maintenance and auto repairs expenses;

    o) Insurance premiums expenses;

    p) Transport expenses;

    r) Fuel expenses.

It is forbidden to use revenues from state budget subsidies for any purposes other than those set out above.

Direct public funding-References:


Private funding of political parties
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Private sources financing for the activity of a political party are:

    a) Contributions of parties’ members;

    b) Donations and others liberalities;

    c) Incomes from own activities;

    d) Cash loans from individuals and legal entities.

Detailing sources-Donations

Donations received by a political party in a fiscal year may not exceed 0.025% of income provided for in the State budget for the respective year. Donations from an individual in a year can be up to 200 minimum wages at the existing value as at 1 January of that year. Donations received from a legal person in a year may be up to 500 minimum wages basic salaries at the existing value as at 1 January of that year. By the written request of the donor, his identity remains confidential; the donation is subject to a maximum annual amount of the basic 10 minimum wages. The total amount received by a political party as confidential donations may not exceed the equivalent of 0.006% of income provided for in the State budget for the respective year;

Revenues from own sources.

Political parties may not carry out activities specific to the companies covered by the Law No. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions. Except the following activities from which political parties can obtain income:

    a) Editing, creation and dissemination of publications or other materials of their own propaganda and political culture;

    b) Ticket sales, participation fees or similar actions, as well as cultural, sports and meetings and political, economic or social thematic seminars;

    c) Sale of printed materials with the marks of the political party;

    d) Services offered to members of the party for the events referred to. b);  

    e) Rental of premises that are in their own heritage for conferences or social-cultural actions and to organize parliamentary offices;

    f) Alienation of land and buildings in the heritage, but only after at least 10 years after the registration of the heritage, with the exception of political parties in the process of dissolving. The 10-year time limit does not apply in the case of inherited properties;

    g) Alienation of movable heritage, only if is not production, trade or provision of services;

    h) Sub-lease the premises received from the central and local public administration authorities for organizing the parliamentary offices, without the monthly rental value provided in the contract of sublease rental value to exceed the monthly allowance provided in the lease agreement with the local authorities. Maintenance costs related to the parliamentary office space sublet to incumbent, according to the contract;

    i) The issue of the identity papers/cards for members of a political party.



Political parties can only borrow money through notarial authentic instruments, on pain of nullity absolute, supported by documentary handover, in the contract providing the manner and term of their refund. The term for repayment may not exceed 3 years.

Loans and their return can be made only by bank transfer

Loans of money that are not returned within the time limit, may be set up in donations only with the agreement of the parties and only if it has not been reached in that year ceiling for donations.

The amounts of money that are the subject of the loans received by a political party in a fiscal year may not exceed 0.025% of incomes provided from the State budget for that year.

The amounts of money that are the subject of the loans received by a political party from a person in a year, can be up to 200 minimum wages at the existing value as at 1 January of that year.

The amounts of money that are the subject of the loans received by a political party from a legal person in a year may be up to 500 minimum wages basic salaries at the existing value as at 1 January of that year.

Private funding of political parties-References:


Regulation, monitoring and investigation
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Rules - No later than 30 April of each year, political parties are required to publish in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, the following:

    a) The situation of the total amount of contributions obtained in the previous year the situation of the total amount of contributions obtained in the previous year;

    b) The list of members who have paid contributions in the previous year to a total value exceeding 10 minimum gross basic wages per country;

    c) The list of individuals who have made donations in the previous year of a value which exceeds 10 minimum gross basic wages per country;

    d) The list of legal persons which have been made donations, in the previous year, of a cumulative value which exceeds 10 minimum salaries gross basic wages;

    e) The situation regarding the total amount of confidential donations received in the previous year;

    f) The whole situation of donations consisting of material goods necessary for political activity, but not canvass, materials received from international political organizations to which political party is affiliated or political formations, political parties being in collaboration with;

   g) The list of individuals who have been granted loans in the previous year, of which aggregate value exceeds 100 minimum basic wages per country;

    h) The list of legal persons who have been granted loans in the previous year, of which aggregate value exceeds 100 minimum basic wages per country;

    i) The situation regarding the total amount of loans with a value of less than 100 minimum gross basic wages per country;

    j) The whole situation of total amounts of income obtained in the previous year from the activities referred to in article 1. 16 of law No. 334/2006, republished, broken down by type of income-generating activity and source;

   k) The total amounts of the situation amounts subject to the financial gains associated with non-political formations from the previous year.

Monitoring and verification

Permanent Electoral Authority can control compliance with the legal provisions on the financing of the current activity of political parties, as follows:

a) by checking the documents and reports that are submitted by political parties and political alliances, according to law, to the Permanent Electoral Authority and reports which are published in the Official Gazette  of Romania, Part I;

 b) by checking the information and documents relating to the incomes and expenses of political parties, political alliances, territorial and internal organizations, obtained under the law of political parties, political organizations, alliances,  territorial and internal organizations;

  c) by carrying out controls at the headquarters of political parties, political alliances, territorial  and internal organizations, in order to verify the accounting documents and other documents relating to the current financing activity of political parties;

  d) by checking the documents and information relating to incomes and expenses of political parties, political alliances, territorial and internal organizations, according to the law, from individuals and legal persons who have provided services free of charge or against payment thereof;

    e) by checking the documents and information relating to incomes and expenses of political parties, political alliances, internal and territorial organizations obtained from public institutions, in accordance with the law;

    f) by carrying out checks on the actions of cultural, sporting and themed meetings and political, economic or social seminars  organized by political parties and political alliances, in order to obtain information relating to incomes and expenses for their deployment.

Accepting donations from other states or from foreign organizations and individuals who do not have Romanian citizenship or a legal person other than the Romanian nationality is prohibited, except for those received from citizens of the states members of the European Union who are domiciled in Romania and hold membership in the political party to whom they gave the donation.

Exceptions from the provisions of art 1, par. (1) are the donations consisting in material goods needed for political activity, but not for canvass, materials received from international political organizations to which political party is affiliated or from political parties or political formations policy relationships. Propaganda materials can be received and used only during the electoral campaign for the election of the representatives of the European Parliament.

It is prohibited to legal persons who, at the time of donation, have debts receivable older than 60 days from the State budget, social insurance budget or from local budgets to make donations to political parties, except when they reclaimed excess debt. When making the donation, a political party has the obligation to ask the person presenting a legal donor statement on oath concerning the compliance with the condition.

It is prohibited accepting donations of material or goods payments or the provision of services free of charge, directly or indirectly, by political parties, with the aim of being made to gain an economic advantage.

It is prohibited to use human, financial and technical resources, belonging to public institutions, self-governing companies, national companies, regulated by the law no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, or credit institutions that are majority State shareholders or administrative-territorial units, to support the activity of political parties or their electoral campaign, otherwise than under the conditions laid down by the election laws.

Political parties may not accept donations or services free of charge from a public institution, self-governing companies, national company, regulated by the law 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions, or from credit institution with majority State capital.

It is prohibited the acceptance of donations from a syndicate or from a religious cult, no matter their nature.

Donations in money whose value exceeds 10 minimum gross basic wages per country shall be carried out only through bank accounts.

Price reductions in excess of 20% of the value of the goods or services offered by political parties and independent candidates shall be considered as donations and is recorded in the party's own accounts or of independent candidate’s, under the rules issued by the Ministry of Public Finances.

Upon receipt of the donation, the verification and registration of the identity of the donor are mandatory regardless of their public or confidential nature thereof. All donations, including confidential ones, will be recorded and duly highlighted in accounting documents, with an indication of the date on which they were made and other information allowing the identification of funding sources and donors. Donations of goods and services provided free of charge will be reflected in the accounts at market value at the time of the donation.

Regulation, monitoring and investigation-References:


Regulation, monitoring and investigation bodies
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

The Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania.

Regulation, monitoring and investigation bodies-References:


Use of ICT in Elections
Which electoral processes are using ICTs?
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Voter registration and identification.



Which electoral processes are using ICTs? -References:


When it was introduced
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

After 2012.

When it was introduced-References:


Affirmative action
Gender equality
Last Updated : 2016-11-03

Legislation whichdeclares as unacceptable a list of candidates that includes a single gender.

Romania  has a Bicameral parliament with the use of voluntary party quotas.  55 of 412 (13%) seats in the Camera Deputatilor / Chamber of Deputies are held by women

Gender equality-References:


Aids for disabled or handicapped voters
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Special provisions relating to electoral laws in support of carrying voting rights for people with disabilities (opportunity to vote accompanied).

Aids for disabled or handicapped voters -References:


Election Education
Voter education
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Continuously, through elaboration of informative materials and videos.

Voter education-References:


National civic education
Last Updated : 2016-12-01


National civic education-References:


EMB Staff education
Last Updated : 2016-12-01

Continuously training of theelectoral commission’s staff.

EMB Staff education-References:


Election Observation
Domestic observation
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Domestic observers, appointed by the associations or foundations, engaged in defense of democracy and human rights, approved by the Permanent Electoral Authority.


Domestic observation-References:


International observation
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

International observers, appointed by the foreign or international organizations for election observation invited by the Romanian authorities, accredited by the Permanent Electoral Authority.

International observation-References:


International cooperation
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

NGO-s, National Deaf Association, other EMB-s.



International Activities
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Participation and supporting of international observing election programs.

International Activities-References:


Major challenges to elections
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Increasing the transparency of the electoral process and the confidence of citizens in the electoral system.

Major challenges to elections-References:


Measures taken to deal with those Challenges
Last Updated : 2016-10-13

Information campaigns for voters and all stakeholders.

Measures taken to deal with those Challenges-References:


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