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Election Data

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Sierra Leone

○ Presidential Election  

 - Seat: 1

 - Term of office: 5 years


 Parliamentary Elections

 ·​ Parliamentary

 - Seats: 146

 - Term of office: 5 years

 · Local government

 - Seats: 446

 - Term of office: 4 years


 Election system 

 · Number of polling stations: 111,122

 · Opening and closing time of polling stations 

  -  7 am and 5 pm respectively

 · Number of registered voters: 3,178,663 (2018 election)

 · Voter turnout: 84.20% (2018 presidential election)

 - Presidential: direct vote, 55% of valid votes

 - Parliamentary: First Past the Post
 - Local elections: First Past the Post

 · Voting process 

   1. Verify voter ID card -> Receive Ballot -> Mark Ballot -> Cast Ballot

   2. Registered voter: Verify voter ID card​ -> mark the ballot -> Cast ballot


 · Counting process

   1. Presiding Officer counts the votes for each candidate and writes the result in the Results Reconciliation Form (RRF).

   2. Ask the Political Parties Agents and observers to sign the RRF

   3. Gives out a copy to the Political Parties Agents

   4. The Presiding Officer signs and stamps the RRF


 · Time to take to announce voting results in the country​: Around 2 weeks