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Secretary General
The Secretary General, who oversees the entire functioning of the Secretariat, shall have a term of office of three years and serve up to two consecutive terms.
  • Organization: A-WEB Secretariat
  • Position : Secretary General
  • Secretary General of the Association of World Election BodiesIn-sik Jang

Mr. In-sik Jang started his first career at the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea by passing the 5th Higher Legislative Officer Examination in 1981 after graduating from Seoul National University with his undergraduate degree in agricultural education.  

He held a number of senior management positions within the National Assembly, including Director General of the Administration Office (1991-1996) and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Agriculture, Oceans and Fisheries Committee (2003).


While working for the National Assembly, he played a pivotal figure in legislative works and oversaw multiple significant revisions of the Political Relations Act of the Republic of Korea as well as its settlement and practice over a considerable span of time during his later major careers, including Chief of Staff of the Public Administration and Security Committee (2004-2009), where he also served his position of the Special Committee on Political Reform (2004-2005) and Political Relations Act (2007-2008).


He also served as a consultant to the Constituency Demarcation Committee for the 19th National Assembly Members (2011).


He served ten years in the election and political system field during his career, channeling the utmost effort to strengthen representative democracy. Moreover, he devoted years to the single-minded pursuit of his knowledge and professionalism in the field of public administration in his further studies for a master’s degree (1991) and a doctorate (2000).


After retiring from his civil service duties, he has relentlessly contributed to the further development of public administration, especially for local autonomy, by providing lectures to members of metropolitan, provincial, and district councils, as well as employees of the council secretariat as a professor at the Local Government Parliamentary Research Institute of the Korea Parliamentary Research Institute from 2015.